EPSON - Simnest strategic partnership

Reading time: 1.5 min

Simnest is proud to announce its newest strategic partner, EPSON. During the assembly of the first Simnest simulator in Hungary for A32 Ltd., we decided to explore the possibility of elevating the cooperation.

Each company thrives for excellence, uses and develops cutting-edge technologies in their own fields of expertise. During the development of the A32x FNPT II MCC product family we aimed at creating a compact solution with upmost quality and reliability which requires the best visual projection system available on the market. The EPSON G7900U type projectors and special ELPLU03 - G7000 & L1000 Series ST lenses proved to be the ideal choice, but we wanted to go one step further.

EPSON became the sole supplier of projectors used in the Simnest A320 simulators which will be exclusively laser projectors from 2020. The strategic partnership also allows us to offer more extensive and effective worldwide support. In order to announce this partnership, last week we hosted a press conference for representatives of the Hungarian press in the field of technology and aviation at the showroom of A32 Ltd.

The members of the press had the chance to try the simulator in action and interview the Simnest board and EPSON representatives after their speeches accompanied by fresh coffee and delicious snacks. Besides the partnership annunciation, the press conference provided an ideal venue to elevate the presence of Simnest among the Hungarian general public and potential pilots.

It was part of a new strategic marketing plan which also included an interview hosted by a major Hungarian radio station and participating in professional exhibitions like EATS Berlin where we are going to return as an exhibitor with the simulator manufacturing division (Simnest) and our training organization (Pilots-ATO) next year.

In order to take off with full thrust in 2020 we approached the end of 2019 with precision and caution and laid the foundation for an improved support system. We have extended the support team and a Service Level Agreement is available in our portfolio. Simnest and Pilots-ATO will also be rebranded as Simnest Aviation and Simnest Pilot Academy.

The details will be revealed in the first newsletter of 2020, so stay tuned!



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